Have just taken delivery of new iMac. Lovely, I hear you saying - lucky you!
Well, yes and no. While, I'm delighted at the big shiny screen which is easier to see and at a better angle for my neck and back when writing for long periods, there is all the stuff that goes with new technology to go through.
I'm very happy with my old laptop, have been for a while now, I like writing in bed, propped up with pillows and an old paperback tucked under the bottom of the keyboard to get the right angle. All my work is on the laptop and here is where the problems began.
I was told that it would be easy to transfer all my stuff from one machine to the other - this is a lie - it isn't. I was told that if you buy an iMac from an Apple store someone will take you through the process. Mine wasn't, so I can't. I didn't get it off the back of a lorry, but it did come direct from a warehouse somewhere (as part of the ex's updating of technical equipment), so I have no where to go for help and am stuck with something large, unwieldy and although lovely, useless.
And I wondered - is this how the novelists will feel after they finish their novel in a month?
I hope not.
The first thing to do, is to put your book away for at least a month - give it time to mulch down and give yourself some distance from it.
After a month or so, take it out, get a large mug of tea/pot of coffee, some paper, a red pen and a pad of post-it notes. Now go through your 50,000 words and make notes, draw diagrams, mark particular passages and start making a plan - how are you going to make this rough draft into something you can work with?
Shameless plug follows - I run 'Develop Your Novel' course as a follow up, for anyone interested and in the Richmond area.
But there are lots of writing groups and classes available all over the country to join where you can work on and develop your rough draft into a finished product.
Remember - all first drafts are shit - this is a given.
Unable to put the new Mac in a drawer for a month, I guess I'm just going to have to bite the bullet, make a mug of tea and ring the technical support.....wish me luck!
13 years ago
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