Now I know this year has some sort of link with Darwin because the man is everywhere I look - and having just looked it up, I find that it is 150 years since the publication of 'Origin of Species'.Yey for Darwin. I have been thinking recently that it was going to take me at least 150 years to finish writing my 'novel in a month'...arghh!!! NOT a good example to be setting.
I know things are going badly when I start buying and reading all the 'How to Write' books that I've missed. The latest is 'Wannabe a Writer' by Jane Wenham-Jones. The book is brilliant - witty, intelligent and great for stopping me writing. Thanks.
All procrastination aside, my book has slowly started evolving (see how I tied things back into the title? Oh dear). Although it isn't turning out quite the way I had thought, in fact, it is turning into something very different, a little bit dark and a lot more interesting. This is fine - any of you Novel in a Monthers reading this - because, it is now clear to me that THIS is in fact the book I want to write, that I need to write, the book that is itching the back of my subconscious like a mozzie bite in June. So I am just letting it happen and the words are there, all jumbled and one hell of a mess at the moment, but I'm making notes, and creating plans and filling in index cards and bits of notebooks and finding stuff I had put in the 'might need it someday' folder (then refiling them, because, in fact, I don't need them right now.) But most of all I'm excited...and that's what evolution is all about - moving forward into the unexpected and welcoming it.
I like to think Darwin would agree.
13 years ago
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