So far today, I have pulled up chapter five on the computer, cleaned out the kitchen bin, rearranged and cleaned the freezer, changed the sheets on the spare room bed, put a wash on, seen a friend for coffee, messed around with a lock that needs fixing on one of the doors and rented out said spare room to Korean girl for two weeks.
Writing? What writing? Obviously I have all day to write, so I'm doing everything I can think of that isn't. Oh and I just made out my shopping list and arranged to pick boyfriend and new computer at 3pm.
Facebook is dull today, the weather is pants, I'm running out of things to do instead of write. I may have to finally get on with it...arghh. But then I remember my blog and calm returns.
So, yes, I'm not writing, but it is up there in front of me and every so often when my brain doesn't notice, I have a little peek at a paragraph or two, make some edits. Yes, I'm editing - I hate and loathe and despise editing. It's like quicksand, if you get too far into it, the entire chapter disappears in a haze of delete, delete, delete. You look at your words on the page, the ones that seemed so shiny and bright not so long ago and now are dull and stupid and should have been written in crayon. So I need distractions, I need it to be dark outside, I need the promise of a glass of wine when it is over, I need a better chair, a favourite pair of tracky pants....I need to sit down and just get on with it. Back to the egg timer. Remember that? The fifteen minutes? (Not of fame, but hey, you never know).
When I teach the Nanowrimo method, I get students to write in 15 minute slots, the friendly ticking of the timer in the background reminds them that this is finite, it won't go on forever and 15 minutes feels doable, you can fit it in between other stuff. Soon they are writing 15 - 20 sometimes 40 mins at a time. So I'm going to dig out my egg timer and set it to 15 mins and I'm going to just edit in that time what I can.
Let you know how it goes.
13 years ago
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